NDFTA 2013 Schedule of Events

Foster County Fairgrounds

Carrington ND

Friday August 23, 2013

Fair grounds will be open at 12:00 for dealers to set up.

Registration starts at 4:00pm for the Coyote Trapping Contest..

6:00 pm - Set Traps for the trapping contest. Must have a valid ND Trapping License. $10 Entry Fee. Observers are welcome to come along free of charge.

7:30 - Supper and social

B.S. to follow.

Saturday August 24, 2013

7:00 am - Check Traps

7:00 am - Breakfast and Registration

8:30 am - Bruce Willyard demo on trapping Fisher

9:00 am - Jarret Christoferson demo trapping rats with the Muskrat Speed Stand

9:30 am - Shannon Chors snaring coyotes demo

10:30 am - Slim Peterson - coyote trapping demo and questions and answers

12:00-1:00 pm - Dinner - Catered at the Fair Grounds

1:00 pm - Auction and Raffle

1:30 pm - Dry Land Coon Trapping - Mark Steck

2:00 pm - Skinning and Fleshing - Paul Faber

Fur Handling demos

Other events and demo's may be added.

Annual Fall Meeting after the Auction and Raffle and demos.

Don't forget to bring your raffle tickets!



Coyote Trapping Contest

Renew your membership

Bring your raffle tickets

Bring a Lawn Chair

Buy supplies

Tent Camping

Camper parking at City Park

Don't forget the B.S.


For More information call:

Brent 701-752-4354

Bruce 701-652-2109


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